Saturday, June 28, 2008

They stood there

in the fading daylight
of the Burnt Over District,
weeping the most disbelieving
tears ever wrung from human
eyes, while the laughing
mockery of their neighbors
still burned in their ears.
"What, not gone up yet? Wife didn't leave
you here to burn, did she?"
Brother William wept more bitterly
than all the rest.
He had counted
the twenty-three hundred weeks
so carefully; how could He not
have come with a shout
and ushered His flock
to Eternal Life?
Many shook their heads
at the spectacle, and concluded
that some people just didn't
know how to read the signs and
Scriptures accurately.
Didn't they know the End of Days
wouldn't be arriving for at least
five more years?

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