Tuesday, June 24, 2008

He had seen many hunts

and met the shivering test
of many winters.
Now, he had crossed over
to the New Land, and
many heavy tasks
had to be borne.
His woman understood why
she could not come into
the Cave of Dreams,
and stood in brave sorrow
at its mouth.
His kinsmen bore him in
and carefully arranged his
no longer stiffened body
in its intimate crouch.
The shaman ordered the
traveling brother's head
pointed toward the north,
and around the Traveler
was arrayed a tender ring
of magical flowers,
to delight him and guide him
safely to the other realm.
A spear was placed in his hands,
the men offered him good wishes
and they solemnly ordered him
not to kill all the deer
before they could join him.

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