Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Language is Only Approximately Understood

which means that neither of us fully understands what I just wrote, nor do we completely grasp the explanation that followed it, nor do we really totally get the qualifier I just added and...

it really feels sometimes as if I'm standing in front of an infinity of mirrors

and I can't look away.


Emily said...

But is there a medium? is there enough universal truth that we can get by, or are you more of the postmodernist school of thought? Because I too believe that language is approximate, but I also believe that it is futile to totally embrace what that entails or what point would there be in academia? I think at a certain point you have to trust that the human experience is similar enough that on some base level, we understand each other. There is always room for ambiguity, but thats makes philosophy and history fun - interpretation and the thought process.

Joseph Miller said...

I agree with your insightful view 100%. We must assume that there is sufficient common ground between us to allow communication to take place, even if that common ground does not coincide completely. No, I am not Post-Mod if by that you mean those people who say nothing can really be inferred.